Tuesday, January 23, 2018


...and...not the "on the roof" kind...

...this post probably falls under the TMI category...

...but most Affectioknit readers are family or friends and people who know me personally...so I'll share...and I'd for sure be talking to you about this if we met at Church... the library or the grocery store...as there's not a lot else on my mind right now...

...so...look away now if you're squeamish...(jk...I actually left the camera rather far away...so it wouldn't be too detailed a photo...)

...what happened was...

...last Thursday...when I woke up I was having a little bit of pain in my hip...so...I just thought I'd overdone things the day before and didn't really give it much thought...but as the day went on...the pain increased...and I could hardly sleep Thursday night...and so far that was my only symptom...

...Friday the pain in my hip increased and the skin between my hip and knee became extremely sensitive to the touch...and I kept saying to the Man...I don't know what I've done to my leg...and he called me Tim Conway...because I was moving so slowly...haha...

...I took some over the counter pain meds and tried to sleep...
...sometime over the weekend the rash appeared...this stripe across my lower leg...and another one just like (but larger )...it across my right behind...and a quick internet search confirmed that it was likely shingles...

...so I got myself to the doctor and she said that shingles follow certain nerve pathways...and mine is sciatic...and it almost always only affects one side of the body...

...she prescribed an antiviral...and offered me narcotics...but I declined...

...I took the first ginormous pill when I got home...and I really do feel better already...but things may be quiet here for a bit...I can't even really manage to knit...

...stay healthy out there...and...sorry for the T...M...I...just keeping it real...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. you know i have a similar story from about 15 yrs ago!! my sudden rash was on my lower back at my hip - i thought i had poison oak to start with....and couldn't sleep the pain was so bad! went to the hospital it was so bad - amazingly bad! the extremely young emergency resident knew immediately. that was back in the days of excellent insurance and i don't think it cost me much. today that visit would likely cost $1500 or more. they gave me some "herpes" medicine and a day or so i was fine. i can't imagine the pain when folks get it in the eye, which is common! glad you're treated! love, k

  2. I have heard that shingles are extremely painful. I had the shot last year, recommended because of my age. Hope yours clears up soon. MOM

  3. Aw, so sorry to hear this. I hope that pill really helps. I've been hearing so much about the shingles vaccine here and they've been promoting it a lot. Now they have a new vaccine that you take in two parts but it is so expensive. Almost double the price of the old one or more than double but probably worth it if it helps prevent shingles!

  4. Shingles, horrid complaint, get well soon. We didn't fall into the age range for the jab on the NHS so we paid and had it done rather than wait.
