Monday, November 13, 2023

...11.13...Over the Weekend...

...Oh my goodness...moving is just so messy and exhausting...I feel like we are packing every waking moment...and if we're not packing we're hauling what we no longer need to Goodwill...
...but I happily organized all of my knitting and crochet needles...and put them all into one of the baskets that the Man's Mammaw made for us years ago...
...the needle case was a gift from my sweet sissie about the time we graduated from college...
...I did no grocery shopping this week at all...because we're trying really hard to use up as much stuff as possible from the pantry and the freezer...but I had some overripe bananas... I mixed up the Vegan Omicon lower fat banana bread...
...the trick is to barely mix it... turns out perfectly every single time...
...and the loaf is already half gone...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!


  1. That bread does look yummy! I haven't made any sweet bread yet you bananas that will probably make the cut! Love,K

  2. Moving is exhausting! Courage!
