Friday, November 03, 2023

...11.3...Friday Update...

...well...we BOUGHT A HOUSE...actually a few months ago...but I couldn't post about there will be LOTS of posts coming about the house...but for now...the focus is moving out of the parsonage that we've called home for over 9 years now...
...we had the carpet in the den professionally cleaned...and then we put up baby gates (Jack/Kitten gates) to remind us not to walk on it...haha...
...I cleaned out my workstation...I actually loved this cabinet to keep everything tidy and out of sight...because when Our Airman still lived at workstation was in the guest room...'s a really neat cabinet...with space for a monitor, a keyboard tray...and underneath you can put a tower and a printer...and then close it all up so it just looks like a piece of furniture...

...anywhoo...we're hoping to give that away to someone who can use it...if the end...we'll call the Salvation Army to come and pick it up...
...and the dining room table has been replaced with this old folding camp table...
...because Our Airman wants the table and the china cabinet...he grew up with those...and they belonged to his Great Grandmother...and the story was that she acquired them then....already second they are quite old...and we're happy that they want them...

...moving is exhausting...haha...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. Congratulations on buying a house. How exciting. But you are right. It is exhausting moving and cleaning and so on. It's great your son wants the furniture you no longer want.These days it's so hard to get someone to appreciate the older things.

  2. Yay, will be fun to see new house posts!! Love, K

  3. so exciting for you!

  4. WOW!!!! Sounds like a new life! Creating a new nest is so exciting! But also... exhausting! Wish you plenty of courage and energy!
