Wednesday, February 26, 2025

...2.26...W.I.P. Wednesday...

...the last time y'all saw this Dollie (#2) was last year in March...and I said that I was putting her aside until this year...but it's time to get her ready to ship to Alaska for Little Sissie's birthday... I made her a pair of trousers...Big Sissie's dollie's were grey...but I made these in a nice khaki...
...and I combined the trousers with the jeans pattern so that I didn't have to do the short rows for the raised back...patterns here...and here...
...then I took the tiny little bits leftover from Mom's Karen hat and from Sissie's ear warmers as I thought the colours went well together...
...and I used them to make the striped sweater...pattern here...
...not sure why it's sideways... I took another and it's sideways too...oh well... fits her well... then I made the taupe/mauve flared skirt to go with it...pattern here...
...and it looks super cute on her too...

...the goal is to have exactly the same garments for this dollie as the first one...

...what's in your workbasket this week?...

~Have a lovely day!


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