Thursday, August 15, 2024

...8.15...Delicious Vegan Food we ate...

...we made Pick up Limes One Pot Macaroni & Cheeze...and that was pretty delish...
...we cooked a pot of chickpeas in the Instant the outdoor kitchen...of course...
...because I wanted to make some hummus to take to Mom's to snack on this weekend...
...and then we also made some Vegan Copycat Wheat Thins...
...and baked those in the outdoor kitchen...
...and gave them a quick try out...and they were both delicious...
...the rattlesnake beans (two pots of those) are starting to produce beans now...
...and I get about this many from the two pots of rattlesnake beans and the two pots of bush beans every other day...
...and we're still getting a handful of patio tomatoes every day or so as well...

...what delicious food have you been eating lately?...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. I tried to make wheat thins in the Bahamas when I ran out of crackers.....the result was less than stellar. I'll look at this recipe and see if it's better. Love, K

  2. OOPS, sorry - I guess the recipe link was for the mac and cheese. Oh well
