Thursday, August 29, 2024

...8.29...Delicious Vegan Food we ate...

...y'all know that we have four big pots of beans growing in our 'garden'...two pots of bush beans...and two pots of Rattlesnake runner beans climbing up strings on the fence...and every day or so...I pick a good handful or two of beans...
...and then I store them in the fridge in a recycled cereal bag (which are awesome for reuse like this - good in the freezer too)...this day's pickings included these three dried up rattlesnake beans that I must have overlooked in the foilage as they are quite dried out...that's ok though I'll just shell the beans into the pot as rattlesnake beans are a lot like pinto beans...
...when the bag is full I know I have enough beans to cook a I give them a good rinse...although they are completely organic...
...these are the dried up ones...see what I mean about them being like pintos...
...there's something so satisfying about breaking beans...the beans in the bowl decrease as the pile of trimmings grows and the pot fills...
...and out to the back porch kitchen... cook for a couple of hours...until almost all of the water is gone...
...because that's the southern way...and we love it...but we also love the barely cooked steamed green beans and the crispy stir fried ones...I may never have met a bean I didn't like...haha... do you cook your beans...barely?...or cooked to death?...

~Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. I'm really liking them just barely cooked....then I take them over and dunk them for several minutes in cold tapwater to cease the cooking. Then toss them with olive oil and some salty seasoning ( I last used the "Green's Seasoning" - it's a little spicy and salty). Love, K
