Friday, August 23, 2024

...8.23...Friday Update...

...I got new glasses...goofy photo of me wearing them I know...excuse the old pink paint spattered shirt...and so far I love them...
...I was so unhappy with the last ($1200) pair that I'd gotten at the optician in Charlotte before we moved that when I chose a new eye doctor here...I asked for my prescription "to go"...
...and I just plugged that in online and ordered a new pair of glasses for about $300...with all of the bells and whistles my old pair had...the price difference is astounding...and that probably makes me like them even more...
...the Man has devised an ingenious way of building out the crown molding BEFORE we install it...basically you just measure the cabinets and make a base of 1/4 with about a 3/16 inch overhang...and then attach the crown to that... get the adorable little boxes that you just lift into place and screw from underneath...
...we just set them in place to check the fit...
...I think they're perfect...and so much easier than trying to install the crown on the face of the cabinets...
...we took them back down to prime them...I think they're going to make a huge difference in the look of the cabinets...
...I got a fancy-schmancy new caulk gun...
...and I'm using it to caulk the cabinet doors...the Man has already primed this first set...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. love the new glasses!!

  2. Yes, the glasses are cool on you!! and the molding trick is cool. Really looks nice. Love, K
