Wednesday, August 14, 2024

...8.14...W.I.P. Wednesday...

...I'm working on finishing up a little birthday giftie that I can't quite show you yet...
...but in the meantime...I've started a set of little Santa mittens to send up to the grandbabes in Alaska...

...when Our Airman was unpacking all of the stuff that we sent up there a couple of months ago...he commented on his Santa mittens that were in one of the boxes...he wore them until he was four or five years old...I'll have to find an old Christmas parade photo of him wearing them... of course they will need another pair for both girls to be able to wear Santa mittens...the loop stitch that you do for the beard section is a fun stitch...and I'm not sure when you'd ever use that...
...I hunted through my button box to find 4 identical black buttons for the eyes... do a few rows in a flesh coloured yarn...I'm using the leftover pink from their knit dollies...
...and of course you knit an opposite thumb for left and right...or I guess you could have one Santa facing out and one in...and there were some gaps where the thumb meets the I just did a quick duplicate stitch over that to fill it in a little bit better...
...knit a little nose in a slightly darker shade of pink... on the eyes and the nose...and weave in all the ends...
...and the left mitten is done...then do it all over again...reversing everything for the right one...

...the pattern is free on Ravelry...

...what's in your workbasket this week?...

~Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. I'm surprised you found identical buttons.....I never seem to be able to in my "button tin"....Love, K
