Thursday, August 08, 2024

...8.8...Delicious Vegan Food we ate...

...just a cute little snack plate...some time ago on NHK...I'd seen a Japanese mom making a bento for her kiddo and she shaped the carrots into little hearts and I thought it was so I was just playing with my food and it was really easy...just cut a v shape into the carrot and then use the peeler to shave off the edges until it looks like a heart...don't you think this would be adorable in a side of peas and carrots...maybe too juvenile for us two oldies...but I'm definitely doing it for the grandbabes...
...I still had a box of fregola that we moved here in January...I know pasta lasts a really long time...but I wanted to use it I searched the interwebs for a fregola recipe...and found this one...Fregola with Pancetta, Peas and Parmesan...easily veganized...
...while that was cooking I made a half recipe of 20 minute breadsticks to go along with it...
...I'm in my outdoor kitchen...and I'm only doing half for 4 breadsticks not eight...
...shaped into sticks...
...and baked in the outdoor oven...(toaster oven on a tray table)...
...then to finish the fregola dish...I added some vegan bacon bits...and sprinkled on a generous amount of vegan parm...there's a small dish of kalamata olives there because they go so well with the breadsticks... was really delicious...and would be good with any pasta shape I think...

...what delicious food have you been eating lately?...

~Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. Dinners looks amazing. So colourful and healthy. On this side, I'm trying to use up all kinds of little odds and ends and buy very little. Our meals are creative and tasty but not looking so photo pretty and more carb heavy than I'd like but I try to balance by having salads and at least one vegetable.
