Monday, August 12, 2024

...8.12...Over the Weekend...

...we got up was already so steamy outside...and had a quick breakfast on the porch...
...the peach was delicious...I also had a bowl of raw oats in almond overnight oats...but I don't soak them overnight...
...we had to have an early breakfast...because we wanted to spend a Day at the Museum...not the whole day...obvi...and I was expecting it to be crowded but it was was and quiet...
...after the has vegan I got some while we wait on ours to ferment...and they also have the Vegan mayo and the Orgain protein powders...only chocolate and vanilla peanut butter...

...earlier in the week I had made a special trip to the asian grocery to get everything to make kimchi...and the ingredients cost about $12...and the small jar of kimchi at Stuff Mart is about $ we'll see which is more cost effective...and which tastes better...
...and then we made the we love all things lacto-fermented..
...we've made it before...or rather...the Man made it before...back in 2017...
...and I thought it would be a good thing to have on hand...and I can control the spiciness...because you know what a spice-wimp I am...
...I used this beginner friendly already looks like it's going to be perfect...I'll let you only made about a I think it's going to work out about the same price-wise as the Stuff-Mart kimchi...
...I had gotten this date paste because I wanted to try making a vegan creamer without any refined sugar...
...just using about 2 cups each of soymilk and almond make about a quart of creamer...
...and 1/2 cup of date's really sticky and still has quite a bit of fiber... I'm going to blend it really well in my Vitamix...
...and also strain it in a fine mesh strainer...I don't want any 'fiber' in my creamer...
...and then I poured it into my old milk's delicious...super sweet and creamy...and a good replacement for Silk...
...Sunday afternoon...we took everything out of the den and cleaned and polished the floors...we'll do the big room another day...
...and I made a pot of lentil stew...and I thought you might like to see my now month old celery that I wrapped in's still crazy fresh...
...during the tropical storm (Debbie) last week...the water backed all the way up to our mailbox from this drain... we dug that out...I'll get a bag of river rocks or something like that the next time we're at lowes...and hopefully the problem will be fixed...the drain is not on our's on the community common area...but the water backup affects our property so we're just going to take care of it...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!


  1. I absolutely love kimchi and it's super expensive here so one day I want to try making it myself. I though kimchi was already vegan though. Does your vegan recipe call for something different? The museum looks like fun. Was there a special exhibition happening when you went? Your vegan creamer looks delicious. I only ever made cashew milk and almond milk. I have some raw cashews on hand to make some milk soon. I can't remember the recipes I used and what kind of sweetener was involved.

  2. I love kimchi so much, my husband doesn't so it's more for me :) I'm impressed with your fresh celery.

  3. I tried your foil trick with some romaine lettuce. I was not as successful - my lettuce was a bit brown in spots after a week or so. Maybe it was just old to begin, K
