Wednesday, February 01, 2017

...Fermenting Again...Vegan Kimchi this time...

...a W.I.P. Wednesday of the food variety...using the Man's Christmas present fermenting kit again...

...we've beem wanting to try some vegan kimchi...most kimchi is actually not vegan as it has fish paste or shrimp paste or some such thing... we started with a big Napa cabbage...
...and chopped up some white radish...I used my mandoline slicer for this...
...mixed up some chili paste...
...mixed all the veggies together...
...poured the chili mixture...
...over the mixed up veggies...
...and with gloved hands mixed that all together...
...and packed it into a half gallon jar...
...screwed on the Easy Fermenter lid...and we were done...

...the lid has a one way valve on it and only allows the gases to escape...but no air can get to the fermenting veggies...
...Have you ever tried making kimchi?...or do you even like kimchi?...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. that's cool!! love the gloves - that reminds me of the peppers we had in New Hill that time that were hot, hot, hot!! gloves would have been a good thing for us back then!!

    love, k

  2. I love kimchi but I haven't tried to make it yet. I saw a quick method on a blog once and since then have been thinking about making some myself. I hope you enjoy your kimchi!
