Wednesday, February 08, 2017

...Congaree Swamp "Hike"...

...we were in Columbia...with some free time on a warm (dare I say 'Spring') day...spring-like anyway... was funny when I did a preview of this post and saw this photo right below the snowy header photo...quite a contrast... we decided to go for a little 'hike'...the term used very loosely this was a rather meticulously maintained path... winds around through the Congaree Swamp...and is part of the Congaree Riverwalk...
...pretty views...
...pretty bridges...
...lots of birdsong...on this gorgeous day...
...and this ominous warning about Aligators...we didn't see any though...
...and when we got back to the room...I found that we had walked over 15,000 steps...
...and almost 7 maybe it was a 'hike' after all...

~Have a lovely day!

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