Thursday, August 21, 2014

...Jury Duty...

...I've been called for Jury Duty...this is about the 5th time in my life that I've been called...but I've never actually served on a jury before...Have you?

~Have a lovely day!


  1. You would find the process interesting. I served on a federal case that was settled out of court after a couple of days of testimony. Then a couple of civil cases both settled in favor of the defendant. MOM

  2. Not allowed as I was a solicitor.

  3. cool - we'll look forward to a play-by-play...after it's over, of course! love, k

  4. I'd love to be on a jury someday. Unfortunately, it's not likely I'd be allowed to serve--attorneys tend to kick other attorneys off quite quickly. :( Hope you have an interesting time!

  5. I've been called many times, but never served. Good luck! :-)
