Thursday, August 14, 2014

green bathroom ceiling update

...the last time you saw the ceiling it looked like this...

...that was when we replaced the ceiling fan...

...but we decided to just replace the entire ceiling...instead of patching it...
...we used a combination of construction glue and screws...
...we made a cleat and just screwed the new drywall up right over the old...
...I say we...but this was mostly the Man and Scout doing this part...
...I'm the measurer and cutter in this outfit...
...and of course the spackler as well...

...and this is after one coat of spackling...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. haha - yes, i love to say "we" did a project....but for the big projects, i think everyone knows who does the heavy lifting!!

    love, k

  2. I love how handy you guys are!
