Tuesday, September 03, 2019

...Baby Shower...

...the day for the Baby Shower finally arrived...
...well I had gathered several (a bunch) of little presents...either handmade or leftover from Our Airman's babyhood...that would be appropriate for a little lass...

...some little sleepers that weren't too boyish...
...a star pillow...
...Our Airman's Winnie the Pooh...and little lambie that he took to preschool with him...
...an embroidered burp cloth...made by his Auntie D...I soaked it in OxyClean for days...and it looks like new...
...a soft cotton blanket, washcloth, and hairbrush given to him by his Grandma E...
...and also the little white 'shoes'...they went with a sailor suit...which was not girl-appropriate...but the little shoes by themself are ok for a little girl...
...the pink tutu...you've already seen...
...a sweet Baby Blanket...like this one...
...and the pink blanket that the Airman's Wife made for a blanket drive at the Church but didn't finish in time...so it was still in the N.O.A.H. closet and I got it out and gave it back to her...and it was so funny when she opened it because she didn't remember it...haha...
...the little Eeyore rattle was a gift to Our Airman on his Baptism day from the gentleman who video-taped the service...
...a couple of Our Airman's teethers...one actually still plays music...
...Rosie the Sleepy Bunny...I'll do a whole post about her probably tomorrow...
...Our Airman's GlowWorm...I put new batteries in it...and it still works too...if you're not familiar with them...they are a softie with a face that lights up whenever gentle pressure is applied to the body...they still make a version of this softie...but it's not as sweet as this one...
...a soft baby ball...like this one...
...a sweet little red hat...like the last one here...
...and not in this picture...and I'll totally do an entire post on the little fleece embroidered bunny crib blanket...
...then I wrapped them all up in white paper...and tied them with pink yarn...
...put some pretty ribbons on top of a large white box...
...put all f the pressies inside...and they all fit...yay!...
...and we were ready to go...
...y'all have already seen the sweet outdoor decorations...
...scattered on the tables were the sweet little dresses to write notes of advice for the new Mom on...
...the magnificent spread of delicious food...
...the onesie decorating station...that was such a sweet and fun activity...
...my Mom simply put Great Granddaughter on hers...
...this is mine...
...auntie T's...Daddy's Girl...
...antie D's punkin was adorable too...
...my only niece is a math teacher and she put "I'm acute < baby" on hers...so cute...
...my niece-in-law's rainbow L O V E D...so sweet...
...my plate of delicious vegan food...cucumber circle sammies...a pita stuffed with my sweet brother's baba ghanoush...and lots of veggies and pickles...
...we played the sweetest games...here we all took a piece of pink yarn and tried to guess how big around the Airman's Wife's (tiny, little) baby belly was...it was hilarious...
...and I must hug her the most...because I won that game...with only an inch to spare...
...we played a price guessing game...that was fun...
...and this candy matching game was hilarious...we had so much fun with it...
...and then...of course it was time to open all those presents...they got so many nice things...I had brought the picture of Our Airman so he could be part of the festivities...
...and here she opens the Bunny blanket I told you about but didn't show you yet...
...and the blanket that she made...but then didn't recognize...

...it was such an enjoyable family time...everything was perfect...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. Such a beautiful baby shower.

  2. I'm so sorry to have missed this. Looks like you all had a wonderful time and such a great start for the little girl! Mom had told me some of the details when I talked to her on the phone, but fun to see all the pictures. Love, K

  3. It looks such a fun time, I do like the idea of a baby shower, only fairly recently catching on here. When is the baby due, it can't be long now?

    1. Hi Maureen,
      ...the due date is Oct. 2...but it could be any day now...
