Friday, March 02, 2012

...exploring WV...the London Locks...

...on our way to (and from) Montgomery, WV...we passed through the community of is home to the London Locks...

...which are operated by the Army Corps of Engineers...

...and are obviously restricted...and that's too bad...because I really wanted to see the locks in action...

...this is the front of the lock seen from the highway...

...just as we were about to pull back onto the highway...we heard the toot of a boat's horn... we sat and watched this sort of looks like a floating white house from where we are...

...but it passed the lock and continued on up the river...

...have you ever been through a lock system?...


  1. I have seen them, but never been on or through them.

  2. Vedy vedy cool!

  3. of course, i've been thru a lock! just once, though....the Great Dismal Swamp Canal on our way to the Chesapeake two years ago. yes, vedy cool! love, k

  4. Never been thru a lock system but hear the Panama Canal is gearing up for expansion.
    You came, sorta, close to southwest VA and Thistle Cove Farm; stop in for a visit next time.

  5. I did ride a boat through the locks at Lake Washington when I was in Seattle 13 years ago. It was interesting to watch the operation and faster than you would think for the amount of water used. MOM
