...the forecast for Irma changed and she was supposed to skirt by us to the west...and that's exactly what she did...we only had bunch of wind and rain...whew!
...our freezer was leaking into the refrigerator...so I googled how to fix that...it was pretty easy...a screw driver, blow dryer, baster and a pipe cleaner were all that were needed...
...you can barely see it in the photo...but we had quite the little ice dam there on the floor of the freezer...and the ice was blocking the drain hole...
...this had nothing to do with the storm...it's just something that needed to be done...
...the Man went ahead and wired up the circuit breaker panel with a plug that we can plug the generator directly into so that it can power the whole house...
...so that was storm related although not entirely necessary...
...and I made another batch of dried kale chips...basically I buy a bunch (or two) of kale each week...still only 89¢ a bunch...and then I remove the ribs (and save those for smoothies and such)...and smoosh the kale up with some spices...one mixture I like a lot is documented
here...but this batch just has Trader Joe's chili lime and nooch...and that's really good too...and you don't have to have a dehydrator....you can make these in a regular oven too...
~Have a lovely day!
Glad Irma was kind to you! Looks like you're busy with good chores! Always fun to get some of those marked off the list!
Good to miss Irma - we have been having 70 mph winds!