Friday, February 29, 2008

The Amazing Knitted Video

Have you seen this video - it's amazing - and it's in French!!!

The Lyrics...and my poor (I'm sure) translation - but you'll get the general idea anyway...

LES PEAUX DE LIèVRES (Hare's Skins - YUCK - this has got to be some sort of idiom for big snowflakes - I know I'm vegan and all - but there's nothing else here about hares...)

T'as les joues rouge boréale

You have boreal red cheeks

Tes couettes noires virent au blanc comme l'asphalte
Y tombe des peaux d'lièvres sur Montréal

Your black feather beds change to white like the asphalt where the hare's skins fall on Montreal (see this would be much prettier if we said 'big snowflakes' instead of hare's skins - I've just never heard that idiom...)

On s'éclipse du party
La neige crisse sous nos pieds
Les flocons dansent doucement
Dans le vent

It eclipses the party (or we eclipse ourselves from the party??)
snow grates under our feet
the flakes dance gently
In the wind

Mais c'pas la faute du temps
Si j'frissonne
Et nos mains se repèrent
Et nos coeurs s'accelèrent

But it's not the fault of time
If I shiver
And our hands seek each other
And our hearts beat faster

On s'dit rien et pourtant
On s'comprend
C'est mes premiers murmures
De l'hiver

We say nothing and yet
we understand each other
These are my first murmurs
Of winter

Le désir nous harcèle
On court par les ruelles
Ça fait tellement longtemps qu'on s'attend
La nuit s'annonce si chaude et si belle

Desire besets us
We run through the lanes
It makes such a long time that we wait for (the night)
The night announces itself so hot and so beautiful

T'as les joues rouge boréale
Tes couettes noires virent au blanc comme l'asphalte
Y tombe des peaux d'lièvres sur Montréal

The group is called Tricot Machine (Knitting Machine) and they're from Montreal...


  1. that was amazing!! love, k

  2. I don't know why I'm getting all the virus protection posts - arghh!

  3. hey, we may have to change our comment page to the setting denise has on her blog....i assume that would fix it.
