Saturday, December 12, 2009

First trip to the 'Sledding Hill'

...New snow - of course - means a trip to the 'Sledding Hill'...
...Scout called one of his buds and while they tumbled down the hill I bundled up with an afghan and my Shalom in the car...
...the snow is wearing pretty thin on the old hill already (don't worry - I'm sure there will be more soon) - and Scout made it to the bottom of the hill on his snowboard on his first try...


  1. How fun! Although I would probably stay in the car and knit too :)

  2. Sweet! We don't have enough snow for that just yet. Looking forward to seeing your cardigan

  3. Anonymous8:19 PM

    FUN! It is supposed to snow here tonight although probably just a dusting but it will be really icy due to the cold weather.

  4. This brings back such wonderful memories! Thanks for the beautiful photos.

  5. Anonymous12:00 AM

    I think our snow was less than an inch, but the sledders were already using the slopes at the local school and wearing it all away! I prefer sledding when it's a little less cold, as icy snow is too slippery and you can't climb back up the slope without bruising your knees.

  6. What fun! Its great to see kids enjoying being outdoors in the snow.

    Owen loves sledding too, but we've got to find him a steeper hill :)

  7. Fun. My boys love to sled as much as possible and my husband and I like joining them every so often too. We used to like to go on the hill by our old home at nighttime because we would have the hill to ourselves. :-)
