Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Sunrise...

...we get such pretty sunrises this time of year...

...I love how the swingset is trapped in the snow...

..and that drift to the right is now taller than my head...there's a path cut through it to the Sacristy door...I'll have to get a picture of that wall of snow...


  1. yes, pretty, pretty - i'm never up these days to see the sunrise except when i'm on the boat!! a bit of a lazybones lately.

    love, k

  2. Just lovely.

    What time is your sunrise, ours is quite late.

  3. Very beautiful. I view the sunrise through a tiny crack in my curtains when one of my children crawls into my bed. Then I close my eyes again!

    So much snow!

  4. What a gift to see that wonderful sky and begin your day - lovely!

  5. Gosh that's really beautiful! Scenes like this really lift the spirits don't they?

  6. So beautiful, our swings are trapped in snow too! ;)

  7. I say, you can't beat the prairie for a good sunrise or sunset. Ok, maybe on the beach on a tropical island somewhere ... but ours are pretty good here, too. :-)

  8. I love sunrise. it such a peaceful time of day full of hope.
