Wednesday, January 24, 2024

...1.24...W.I.P. Wednesday...

...I finally finished all of the pieces for the Simply Red bolero...and I actually finished the second sleeve twice...because I found an error...a small section of 'ribbing'...which is what happens if you make a mistake with seed stitch as you wind up knitting over a knit and purling over a purl...and it was right after the I had to take it all the way back to there and start over with the sleeve cap...

...and speaking of sleeve caps...these are the smallest ones I've ever made...
...but when you fold them in half on the arm scye...they actually look like a pretty good fit...we'll see...I'll get it all sewed together now...

...what's in your workbasket this week?...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. I have a few sewing/mending things on the boat and I am's hand sewing that I need to do in place where we've got a small rip in the new sailbag. I went up there on a windy day and whip-stitched a makeshift repair but now I need to really spend some time with it and make a small's fine for now so I'm doing other things, haha. Love, K

  2. Currently knitting 2 hooded baby blankets for my best friend's grand-daughters.
    Can't wait to see your bolero!

  3. beautiful progress!
