Monday, January 13, 2025

...1.13...Over the Weekend...

...we had a big breakfast omelette...with peppers, onions, mushrooms, vegan bacon bits and vegan cheese...
...with homemade bread toast and buttery grits...
...this was the extent of our big snow event...
...a dusting of snow on the rooftops and yard
...the winter garden didn't seem to mind at all...and Daddy used to call snow "the poor man's fertilizer" because of all of the dissolved nitrogen in it... we went out and did the weekly shop...nothing much of interest...
...but I did find a set of reusable silicone zipper bags... I washed those up and put them on the dryer that Our Airman made for his Marketplace for Kids project all those years still works perfectly for this...

...oh...and our amarylis is about to bloom...
...then I organized the utensil drawer a little bit better using a couple of almond milk cartons...and the skinny one is the bottom of a cereal now all of those pesky larger utensils are in the middle where they won't get tangled up with the other things...Sissie and I had chuckled over some comedian's joke..."I keep a potato masher because sometimes it's fun to not be able to open a drawer"...or something like that...haha...and our potato masher is right at the back where it can't get stuck in the drawer...but you do have to tilt it to get it out...
...and then I baked a loaf of bread in the bread machine...
...and sliced our house smells amazing...
...and then it was FINALLY time to undecorate...
...not a job that I relish...
...but I'm so happy to have everything back in totes in the attic...
...and the big room back to normal...we started a game of dominoes...
...and then Sunday afternoon I thinned out the Tendergreens...
...using scissors this time instead of pulling them up... was a much cleaner process...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!w

1 comment:

  1. oh wow! Greens in winter! Can't wait to do the seedlings. Way too soon up here since we are buried under the snow (real snow ;-) ) until april. Your breakfast omelette is to mouthwatering!!!! I think i'll try to replicate it this week! Wish you a nice end of the week with plenty of good food!
