Monday, January 27, 2025

...1.27...Over the Weekend... was just a quiet weekend at home...
...we had toasted vegan croissants for breakfast...we had brought two packages of these vegan croissants back from our trip to the mountains...they have them in the bakery section of a grocery store there that we don't have I always try to get them when we're there...and then I freeze them and portion them out until they're all gone...
...we did the weekly house cleaning chores...the Man did all of the vacuuming...
...and I followed up with the mopping...
...everything nice and spruce...we headed out to do the weekly shop...
...and got a LOT of stuff...
...all of this is for a Pick Up Limes chow mein recipe later in the week...which has the pretty impressive title of "If I could make only 1 noodle dish for the rest of my life… "
...I got these little stretchy silicone covers...the Man sometimes makes cold brew coffee in our French Press coffee maker...but the lid on that doesn't have a very good seal...I actually thought these would seal better than they actually do...
...but a rubber band holds it in place quite well...the spout makes it difficult to seal...
...and I found another use for my recycled cartons...the silicone lids cling to the carton really well...and it makes them easy to store in my tupperware bins...
...soaking the non-organic fruit in baking soda and water...
...and blueberries...
...and the Man wanted to try these Cara-Cara I searched the interwebs when I got home to see what's different about them...and it's fascinating that they are a natural mutation from a single parent tree...
...our Christmas Amarylis is blooming...
...greens from the garden cooking in the 'outdoor kitchen'...alongside an instant pot full of white beans...
...and speaking of the garden...everything made it through the storm and the temps in the teens...about 13° F here (-11° C)...
...I've been picking a few lettuce leaves for salads...
...and lots of think there are a lot but when you pick a whole potfull then they cook to just two servings...
...and I've also been plucking a couple of beautiful (and not too spicy) radishes for our salads every day...
...and I ended the weekend with a nice long soak in the tub...which is something that I don't do nearly often enough...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!


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