Friday, March 07, 2008

Lutheran World Relief Quilting

It's that time of year when I get serious about LWR quilting - The quilts have to be on the truck May 15th. I'm using donated material so I do the best I can with the colors I've got.

These colors looked pretty nice laid out together...

So I sort of went with a red theme and added a red plaid border...

I didn't quite have enough of the pink/red - so I had to add a couple more rows with a cream/burgundy - I think it looks OK...


  1. that's really neat - the colors look like you picked them out to go together - then added the white squares as an accent! love, k

  2. Thank you! I like this quilt pretty well - I just wish I had inverted the last row with the cream pieces so that it looked more 'planned'...



  3. Very nice colors. Someone will really enjoy that quilt. E
