Monday, March 21, 2022

...3.21...Over the Weekend...

...sadly...not a lot was accomplished over the weekend...
...I did change the banner from winter to spring...always thinking of Grandma...sometimes (not this year) her birthday was on the first day of spring...
...I got out one of our free covid tests...just to make sure that I didn't have covid...
...and thankfully I did not... of the members of our community...he doesn't go to our church...but every year he sweetly brings me a bag of his black walnuts...and I know how difficult those are to come by...and look how perfect they all are...
...the Man decided to pickle all of those jalapeƱos...
...they darkened a little bit...
...he put them in a jar...and pronounced them better than the tamed ones we normally this may become a thing...
...groceries did get picked up...and it was mostly fresh veg and fruit...
...I've been trying to get the Man to love kale...and he does I thought he might like this softer kind better...we'll see...
...I also got fresh turnips and cilantro...and strawberries and blackberries...which are already all gone...
...everything is a little bit more expensive...I got 6 lbs of beans...usually I can get them for $1 each...and they were $1.25...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!


  1. I went grocery shopping today too. I didn't enough veggies but I need to clear and organize the fridge a bit first. I did buy a lot of fruits and a few other items. It wasn't my main grocery shopping but then I realized I hadn't gone shopping in over a week. I'm envious that your man not only cooks but cans! Wow. I also like that you have people dropping food off at your home like those special walnuts. That's wonderful. I too got some rapid antigen tests. They have only just started making them available here for 40+ age group and I guess it's because we are now going back to life without all the restrictions so we need to be able to tell if we get Covid so we don't go spreading it around. I feel better having some tests at the ready.

    1. Hi Penny,
      ...we always clear out the fridge on Tuesday as Wednesday is our garbage day...but we're really trying not to throw food Tuesdays are often eat-up-a-whole-bunch-of-leftovers days...haha...I was thankful to have the test...just to know...I didn't really feel like it was Covid...but then fully vaccinated people have reported fewer symptoms than I if I do get it I hope I'm one of those people...this is just a regular old garden variety cold...yuck!
      ~Have a lovely day!

  2. Hopefully we'll get some fresh veggies today as well! The mailboat came yesterday, so the little store should have some produce. We'll walk the 2+ miles into town this morning at high tide and schlep our bounty back in the blazing sun. Oh, the difficulties we plow thru! haha! Will be interesting to see what the grocery store prices are by the time we return in May. Everything is expensive here so it probably won't be so much of a shock to us. Love, K

    1. Hey K,
      ...I hope you do get lots of fresh veggies...Our Airman has started a neat little grow light garden on his countertop...their veggies are crazy expensive...$6 for a bunch of kale...I was surprised...

  3. Forgot to say that I LOVE the new banner!

    1. ...awww...sweet...that little bunch of flowers is right outside our bedroom in the little patch of woods...they smell great...usually...if only I could smell...haha...stuffy headed...

  4. your banner is cheerful! I keep trying to like kale as well and so far I'm not a fan at all. Maybe one day!!

    1. Hi Karen,
      ...Thanks!...and I was unsuccessful getting him to like this bunch...I thought they were delicious for me...haha...
      ~Have a lovely day!
