Saturday, March 30, 2024

...3.30...Dinner and a Movie...and blog comments...

...first of all...posting my comments to blog friends here... my sweet sissie Karen who blogs from her boat at McCraw Sails...Hey K...that orange sunrise was crazy pretty...I love the underwater shots...except for the sharkie ones...and I also don't love the sound of the word gunboat...Love, T karen from Pumpkin Sunrise...Hi Karen...those purple centered daisies are so pretty...I've not seen those before...we've been to the botanical gardens here a couple of times...and they're just now ramping up for spring so it will be interesting to see how things progress... Éphée from L'éphémère quotidienneté des repas et autres trucs de magie...Hi Éphée...your pizza pasta looks delicious...nice and hearty and comforting food...and your creamy tofu dish does as well...and that sweet pup in the cute and playful... Penny from Snap That Penny...Hi Penny...Happy Spring to you...I do love to see your ever changing beautiful... Beth from BLD in MT : Living a Simple Life in This Interconnected World...Hi Beth...Oh my goodness...those amazing...and what a lot of work that was...glad it was fun...and they do look like stained did such a great job!

...and on the reading front...a couple more of the novellas...that must have been a thing for a while with there's a chunk of writing from 1843 to 1848 where he only wrote Christmas novellas...I've read The Cricket on the Hearth...which is not really very Christmas-y...but it does have a's a sweet story of home life and the value of marriage and faithfulness...and then I read The Battle of Life...that one's a sweet little love's pretty predictable and has a lot of fun relationships in the side characters...

...and I found a YouTube Channel that did a Dickens readalong...Books and Things...over the last couple of I missed it...but it's still fun to watch her reflections on the books...and she did the Christmas novellas during her Vlogmas videos...
...for dinner we had beans and greens and's a meal that checks all of the boxes for me...I love it so much...

...and for the 'movie'...we started a new PBS series...Ms Fisher's Modern Murder Mysteries was OK...not a stellar murder mystery series...but I'd watch it anyway...just for the 1960s clothes...they're 'groovy'...

...what have you been watching lately?...

~Have a lovely weekend!


  1. Love that placement - although it does funny things to my eyes with your china! We're just finishing the Mr & Mrs Smith series. Good fun. Love, K

  2. I love any kind of murder mystery so I hope to check it out.
