Sunday, January 03, 2010

The Christmas Tree Injury

...I snapped a bathroom mirror photo of myself upon returning from Church today...

...We were un-decorating the Church today and I was helping the organist take ornaments off of the children's tree when it fell over and the tip whacked me in the face - it smarted quite a bit and brought tears to my eyes - now I've got a pump-knot that obscures my vision a little bit - which is really annoying - and the beginnings of a black eye - sorry for the grainy photo - but it does make it a little less gruesome... OUCH - y'all be careful out there if you're still un-decorating...


  1. You poor old stick! Make sure to get a good pic of the black eye when it really comes out.

    In the meantime keep on with the frozen peas...... Then make risotto with peas and lemon for dinner, it will make you feel much better.

  2. Wow, that looks really painful, and can tell that eye is already black. So sorry. Take a hot bath and drink tea. Love, MOM

  3. oh my!! wasn't expecting that! sorry for you....hope it dissipates quickly.

    stay out of the way of falling objects! love, k

  4. ouch! next year wear safety gear? ;)

    you poor darling!

  5. OUCH! I hope it heals quickly. I know that had to hurt!

  6. Jinkies! That looks both painful *and* annoying. Bags of frozen peas for the win. :-\ Hope it heals soon!

  7. Ouch! I'm so thankful your eye wasn't injured; pray God you'll heal quickly.

  8. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Oh No! I would have cried. A lot!

  9. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Either bloglines is slow or I haven't been on the computer in a while! Just catching up with your posts. Sorry to hear about the fight with the tree!

  10. The worst part us everyone looking at you and then the tearing up even if it doesn't hurt too bad! haha Hope you are feeling better now!
