Monday, January 25, 2010

The North Carolina/Dakota Snow

In North Carolina the snow is always wet and heavy and in North Dakota the snow is almost always this light fluffy stuff - hence the saying up here of 'pushing snow' - and down south of 'shoveling snow'...

Over the weekend the temperatures rose to the freezing mark and we had a very wet heavy snow - about a foot of it... was so pretty and I love the 'quiet' of a heavy snow - no one is about (well, early on anyway)...

...when Scout, Jack and I first went out in the morning to tramp through the virgin snow there was practically no sound - the wind was calm - just the tinkle of Jack's tags as he bounded through the deep snow... was the kind of snow that clung to everything... pretty...

...then the shoveling began and you could hear the scrape of metal blade on concrete - there was no pushing this time - and it was really hard work - so we all took turns...

...after the hard work shoveling - it was time for some play shoveling...

...Scout loves tunneling - he always reminds me that he knows what to do in the event of a 'cave-in' - YIKES - wilderness survival training has it's benefits...

...Next it was time to build the world's largest snowman...

...Man - that's a big HEAVY ball of snow - just stop where you can't push any further and that's where he'll stand...

...His belly section required a ramp - I just love the little engineer in my boy...

...repurposing the ramp as stabilization to the midsection...

...his big ole head seemed easy to lift after the other two sections...

...adding a face of character - and an organic carrot nose...

...Meet Bob!


  1. Impressive snowman ! ! He sure is knowledgable about that building stuff. I shouldn't wonder. He always has been. MOM

  2. Hello Bob! Wow...I can't imagine getting the girls to roll that size of a snowman! Ours are more "snow dolls".

  3. wow, that is amazing! bob will be greeting folks for a while this winter, won't he?

    glad it's not bitter cold now there.

    love, k

  4. Anonymous10:54 PM

    I want snow! I don't think we will have a winter like last one for probably another 10 years.

  5. Everything does look so pretty when it is dusted with snow.

    Most of ours has melted now - temporarily. We've got two more months to replenish the supply :0)

    Bob looks great!!

  6. like the others said, very impressive snowman!

    never heard the term "pushing snow" before, we are definitely snow shovelers in ohio with our wet and heavy snow.

    stay warm. lisa
