Thursday, January 28, 2010

P.S. The Puzzle is finished...

Yep - we finished all that sky - mostly just finding a piece here and there as we walked past it - but some concentrated effort especially during meal prep time...


  1. perseverance paid off, i see!

    i'm always a bit melancholy when a puzzle is finished....after all that work, just to destroy it again....i know you could save it, but that's just more clutter after a while. (except for mom's puzzle with the "elizabeth" banner, of course!)

    love, k

    p.s. i think some ND weather is headed our way now!!

  2. Wow, that puzzle is beautiful. With my kids ages 2 and 5 our puzzles are a bit simpler but we sure do enjoy doing them :)

  3. Awesome! You made your own lid for an antique milk bottle? You didn't teach taught engineering! But all the same, I love Le Petite Prince.

  4. You did it! That is a lot of sky. when I was out today I saw a lovely puzzle. I was tempted to buy it even though I don't do puzzles (my niece has enough of them). It was a puzzle of The Gleaners by Jean Francoise Millet.

  5. Anonymous1:20 AM

    It has been so long since I worked on a puzzle. I think I am going to go buy one for the kids and I to work on. Riley seems to have a good eye for puzzle building.

  6. oh wow! well done - it'll be some time before our family is up to one of that calibre!
