Wednesday, July 10, 2024

...7.10...W.I.P. Wednesday...

...I got this pink insulated lunch bag from the freebie bin a while looks brand new...and it has a palm tree and a dentist's name printed on it... I'm going to keep the palm tree and paint over the dentist's name...haha...I just sketched a little island under the palm and a few little waves lapping at the shore...
...and started painting... can still see the dentist's name...and the woven material soaks up a lot of it will definitely take another coat...
...second coat...and I also filled in the palm tree (which was screen printed I'm sure) with the same paint I'm using for the island so they'll match perfectly...
...I thought about leaving the little wavelets with just one coat...sort of transparent like water...
...filling in the second coat...
...the name is no longer visible...
...and I painted a second coat on the waves as it's a nice cohesive looking print...and I'm really happy with how it turned'll be perfect for carrying our water bottles and maybe a snack or two when we go to the botanical gardens...

...what's in your workbasket this week?...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. what a clever solution!!

  2. Great job! I don't have any creative project on the go. If and when I ever get through the renovations and decluttering, I hope to spend most of my free time on hobbies including creative projects. For now I only knit a few dishcloths when I really have the urge to make something with my hands because they don't take much thought.

  3. Aww, that's a nice solution. Love, K
