Monday, July 08, 2024

...7.8...Over the Weekend...

...we sat around chatting, catching upon the news and drinking coffee for a couple of hours...then decided to make brunch...and I successfully made a vegan buckwheat this it came out of the waffle maker cleanly...haha...
...and I had that with some Beyond Sausage...and then we sort of skipped lunch...
...and then I did just a normal weekly shop...
...strawberries were $1.99 and the corn was 4 for 1$...
...I know I've been mentioning the heat a lot lately...I'm not really is July in the South...and everyone knows it's going to be hot...the actual temperature was 102° F and the heat index was reported as both 108° and 110° you don't really want to be doing too much outside...I rode my bike early in the morning...I actually rode to the local pharmacy and picked up a perscription...they don't get many bikes at their drive up window...haha...

...but this is my outdoor kitchen setup...there's sweet potato in the toaster oven and a pot of greens on the induction cooker...and no extra heat in my kitchen...we're trying to baby our 20 year old AC unit and hopefully at least get through this first summer without replacing all of the heat we can keep out the house will help...
...I also baked some cookies...this is Jane Esselstyn's Be a Plant Based Woman Warrior Pepparkakor cookies...but I didn't have any molasses... I just used brown sugar instead...and the batter was very light...
...they were fine...nice and crisp...but they were definitely missing that little bit of extra flavor...I'll definitey be getting molasses next time...
...and parchment I was somehow out of that too...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!


  1. I love your blue and white plates and I love that you have a cooking set up on an enclosed porch. I'd sure love that option. It's blazing hot here too but I'm guessing it doesn't last as long as where you live though some years it does stretch out for a long time. I enjoyed the Stones concert a lot and have posted one song on my latest post. I'll be uploading several more to my You Tube channel. They don't play often in Vancouver and haven't been here for 19 years. The last time they were scheduled to play here the big C happened so the event was cancelled. I'm happy my brother gifted me with a ticket because this is probably the one and only time I'll see the band.

  2. Those waffles are mouthwatering! Haha; i have a similar set-up outside during the multiple heat waves ... my slow cooker is on the patio ;-)

  3. That outdoor kitchen is a good idea!! And yeah, you need to have molasses in the pantry all the time for sure! Love, K
