Friday, July 26, 2024

...7.26...Friday Favorites...a did you know episode...

...just a few things I recently found out...
...did you know that soaking non-organic veg and fruit in water mixed with baking soda for 15 minutes removes about 98% of residual pesticides...
...and then I rinse them a few times...usually necessary with greens like these anyway as they can be pretty sandy...

article here...

...I buy organic when I can...but sometimes it's just not an least at my local grocery store...
...and then on the preservation side of things...when I do get to buy organic veg...I want it to last as long a possible...and if you wrap it in foil (not suitable for acidic things) it will actually keep for a couple of weeks...
...when I open a new bag of lettuce ...I just wrap the individual heads with foil...I also give my spring onions and celery the same treatment...
...and then pop them back into the bag without zipping it up...
...and finally...I just found out that my county DOES recycle those tetra packs that I now get my vegan milk just have to remove the lid and the piece that's attached to the box...which is surprisingly difficult to do...I've found the easiest way to do this is with a pair of pliers...which I keep in my utensil drawer...they're handy for all kinds of things...
...I screw the pieces back together and toss that into the recycle bin as well...

...what tricks have you recently discovered?...

~Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting about wrapping lettuce in foil - I'll give that a try. Love, K
