Saturday, September 28, 2024

...9.28...Dinner and no Movie... (Hélène)

...we have power...I am so thankful for electricity...everything is more difficult without it for least here we have water even if we don't have power...

...starting with some Blogger comments... my sweet sissie Karen who blogs from her boat at McCraw Sails...Hey K...Your cushions look amazing...I knew they could definitely go into the upholstery business...haha...and I can't wait to see the new roof...Love, T karen from Pumpkin Sunrise...Hi Karen...your cardigan is so pretty...and it looks great on you! Éphée from L'éphémère quotidienneté des repas et autres trucs de magie...Hi Éphée...your scramble looks delicious...I always get mine more done that though...the grape grilled cheese looks yummy too...and you're right about the olive version as well...oh and that sweet smiling that too... Penny from Snap That Penny...Hi Penny...Happy Autumn to you!...I loved your 'moody' photo...very Halloween-y... Beth from BLD IN MT : LIVING A SIMPLE LIFE IN THIS INTERCONNECTED WORLD...Hi Beth...I loved reading about how you paid off your mortgage early (I love pretty much anything frugal like that)'s quite an accomplishment...and all the glimpses of your home and how much you love it...

...on the reading front...I'm almost done with the Mudfrog papers...and then I think I'm completely done with Dickens...
...we have power now...but we did not last it was another camp stove dinner...cabbage is cooking in one pot and potatoes in the other...
...of course I put my cabbage into a skillet and carmelized it a bit (maybe a bit too much)...I didn't do that with the Man's cabbage...and I fried up a slice of tofu as well...and you can just see the edge of a cornbread pancake...I need to make those more's just a regular cornbread batter but instead of baking it you fry it in a skillet... we had another candlelit supper... course there was no movie...we listened to a baseball game on the reminded me so much of spending a week at Grandma's when I was little...Grandaddy always listened to baseball games on the radio...

...and those announcers...their language is so descriptive it's really really can just visualize the game in your they do that with other sports...or is it just baseball?...

~Have a lovely weekend!


  1. yay for getting the electricity back! Where I used to live we never knew when we would get power back on and it was frustrating.

  2. Yes, being without power is just no fun.....glad you're back to (mostly) normal. Love, K

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