Wednesday, September 04, 2024

...9.4...W.I.P. Wednesday...

...I've finally gotten a start on the first of two little Christmas sweaters for the Grandbabes...and I've sorted through my stash and found the colours I want to use for the Northern Lights...the pattern is Aurora Borealis Sweater by Lyudmila Aksenik... I've lined up my colours in the order I'll be using them with the lime green at the top and the creamy yellow at the bottom...
...wherever I have a really small amount...I went ahead and divided it into two little balls so that I'll for sure have enough for both sweaters in the same pattern...and the navy and royal middle will switch sweaters...with royal on the navy one and navy on the royal one... I cast on for the navy one...lots of the Ravelry projects do different necks...I'm going to do the double one as I think it will be the warmest...and the ones for children with the Icord wrapping the neck are super cute...but you have to do a button opening for that as it wouldn't be very I don't think I'll do that one...
...Big Sissie's sweater will be navy and Little Sissie's will be royal blue...but the pattern at the yoke will be (hopefully) exactly the same...
...I've done the double neck...and I'm using worsted weight yarn to make these sweater super warm for Alaska...
...and I also 'fixed' the too large sleeves on my Pierrot Bobble Sleeved they were always too baggy...but if you look at the pattern they are sort of gaping on the model too...
...anywhooo..I just coloured some elastic thread with a fuschia coloured Sharpie so that it would be invisible...and threaded it around each sleeve...
...and now I like it better...I'll probably only wear it one more time this fall...but still...

...what's in your workbasket this week?...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. Can't wait to see the girls sweaters. Bet they'll be adorable! Love, K

  2. I'm excited to see the sweaters too! Love the colors all lined up.
