Monday, September 30, 2024

...9.30...Over the Weekend...

...we decided to try out a rice-cooker pancake basically makes a small cake sized pancake...
...that was for the Man...I prefer nice crispy waffles...but the Man liked it...
...and I tried once again with the Buckwheat waffles...I thought if I made them rather small I might have more success getting them out...and it worked...YAY!

...then I went for a nice breezy bike ride...the Man was a little bit worried as some of the storm damaged trees continue to fall...
...this is from the neighborhood behind us where we usually walk in the evening...we can actually see this tree from our back porch...
...and these other scenes are from the 1960s neighborhood that I always ride through...lots of branches and standing water...
...this big tree fell over onto this house...
...that's sad for them...hopefully not too much damage...
...the streets are not in the best condition for biking...just lots of storm debris everywhere...
...most people have already piled up the branches from their yards...
...and workmen continue to restore power, phone, and cable/ thankful for them...
...back at home...I picked about 72 beans...I kind of counted them as I picked them...
...and added to the bag I had picked through the week...
...I had a sinkful of Rattlesnake beans...
...or a pot full...I'm cooking them on the porch...but with electricity this time...
...while those cooked I cut off the sea oats...BEFORE they drop all their seeds...we'll be replacing these with something else next the dropped-seed-sprout management is just too much...haha...I'll dig out the roots later...
...and piled them up for pickup...
...and we had a yummy supper of homegrown beans with potatoes and cornbread...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!

1 comment:

  1. Haha you're too funny counting your beans!! Love, K
