Wednesday, October 11, 2023

...10.11...W.I.P. Wednesday...

...minimal progress on Simply Red...we're under a sort of deadline to get these little lap-ghans finished for the Senior Center... I finished the pretty flowered one...and I did do the shell stitch border this time...

...and I found a ball of that sage-y green in my stash and I thought that it matched the leaves pretty I did the single crochet border with that...but then pretty quickly realized that I did not have enough for the shell stitch...crochet uses so much more yarn than knitting that it's hard for me to judge how much I'll need...
...but I found another ball in a soft green that goes well with the blanket I just alternated every other shell stich and carried the other colour under the shell...I actually like the effect of that a lot...

...and then...wouldn't you know it...when I went to put away the leftover yarn in my tote downstairs...I spied another ball of the sage-y green...oh well...I'm quite happy with the two tones...

...what's in your workbasket this week?...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. I agree, the two tone looks nice. Love, K

  2. love the edging detail in the perfect shades to compliment the fabric.
