Thursday, October 12, 2023

...10.12...What I Ate in a a Vegan...

...not a very interesting day of vegan eats for sure...but I did eat homemade soup twice...haha...
...started the day with Daddy's Breakfast...(Cheerios and banana) ohs are actually Natures Promise Organic ones not Cheerios...but Cheerios are vegan...
...later in the morning I had a snack...of course...some leftover french bread topped with vegan cheddar...and tea...
...lunch was my first bowl of soup...and the Man had the was actually already lefotver...
...afternoon snack...was my and walnuts...
...and then there was less than a pint of the homemade soup I just decided to eat it up for dinner...and we had the new-to-us Chick'n Tenders...I put mine on a hot dog bun...and we also had vegan coleslaw on the side...

...what did you eat yesterday?...

~Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. Nothing exciting - I had Impossible sausage and a bagel for breakfast, ramen noodles and frozen peas for lunch and leftover rice/green beans/corn for supper as I wasn't feeling too great after my covid, K
