Wednesday, July 05, 2023

...7.5...W.I.P. Wednesday... this is really only 'sort-of' a W.I.P...because I didn't do hardly any of the 'work'...haha...
...we woke up at Mom's bright and early this morning to head home...and my sweet baby brother took me down to his amazing garden...
...everything is so pretty and well kept...
...and he cut me a fresh cabbage...a HUGE one...
...this one is smaller...but isn't it storybook quality...Beatrix Potter could use it as a model...
...we arrived home with these grocery bags stuffed to the top with veg from that garden...
...oh...and we also stocked up on Vegan that's the only place I know of to get them...I'll bag them up and put them in the freezer...
...we also brought back some fruit leftover from the party...strawberries and watermelon and canteloupe...
...and this was all the veg stuffed into one bag...parsnips (and one beet)...peppers...carrots...onions...Brussels sprouts...and green beans... got to 'work' right away...and washed the green beans and the little pearl onions...
...they'll be for a Julia Child recipe later...
...and then I got those fresh crisp beans into a pot...and we'll have green beans for dinner...

...what's in your workbasket this week?...

~Have a lovely day!


  1. Cool that they mark the croissants as vegan! Lovely food as always. Love, K

  2. what an abundance!! I adore green beans and could eat them every single day :)
